V for Vendetta
- 2005
- IMDb 8.2
- Watched: 123
Mad Max: Fury Road
- 2015
- IMDb 8.1
- Watched: 211
The Truman Show
- 1998
- IMDb 8.2
- Watched: 133
Jurassic Park
- 1993
- IMDb 8.1
- Watched: 551
A Clockwork Orange
- 1971
- IMDb 8.3
- Watched: 765
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
- 1991
- IMDb 8.6
- Watched: 321
Back to the Future
- 1985
- IMDb 8.5
- Watched: 999
The Prestige
- 2006
- IMDb 8.5
- Watched: 122
- 2014
- IMDb 8.6
- Watched: 433
The Matrix
- 1999
- IMDb 8.7
- Watched: 124