Fight Club
- 1999
- IMDb 8.8
- Watched: 321
Forrest Gump
- 1994
- IMDb 8.8
- Watched: 836
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
- 2003
- IMDb 9
- Watched: 43
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
- 2001
- IMDb 8.8
- Watched: 322
Seven Samurai
- 1954
- IMDb 8.6
- Watched: 754
The Silence of the Lambs
- 1991
- IMDb 8.6
- Watched: 938
- 1942
- IMDb 8.5
- Watched: 761
The Shining
- 1980
- IMDb 8.4
- Watched: 414
Hacksaw Ridge
- 2016
- IMDb 8.1
- Watched: 123
12 Years a Slave
- 2013
- IMDb 8.1
- Watched: 457
Slumdog Millionaire
- 2008
- IMDb 8
- Watched: 132
- 1996
- IMDb 8.1
- Watched: 134
The Sixth Sense
- 1999
- IMDb 8.2
- Watched: 316
Into the Wild
- 2007
- IMDb 8.1
- Watched: 163